package examples.stack2; import resources.Element; /** * Author: W. M. Farmer
* Revised: February 21, 2007
* Description: Specifies a stack as doubly linked list of nodes.
* Features:
  1. Any number of stacks can be created. *
  2. An object of type Element can be put on a stack. *
  3. Each stack has unbounded height. *
  4. An exception is thrown when top or pop is applied to an * empty stack. *
* * @author W. M. Farmer */ public class Stack implements Element { private class StackNode implements Element { private Element element_; // Holds the stack Element. private StackNode next_; // Points towards the bottom of the stack. private StackNode previous_; // Points towards the top of the stack. private StackNode() { element_ = null; next_ = null; previous_ = null; } /** * Checks if the Element held by this StackNode is equal to the * Element held by another StackNode. * * @param e a StackNode * @return true iff the StackNodes are equal */ public boolean same(Element e) { return e != null && e instanceof StackNode && element_.same(((StackNode)e).element_); } /** * Returns a String description of this StackNode. * * @return a String */ public String toString() { return element_.toString(); } } private StackNode stack_; private int height_; /** * Constructor that creates an empty stack. */ public Stack() { stack_ = null; height_ = 0; } /** * Selector that gets the top Element of the stack. * * @return top Element of the stack * @throws EmptyStackException when stack is empty */ public Element top() throws EmptyStackException { if (height_ == 0) { throw new EmptyStackException(this); } else { return stack_.element_; } } /** * Selector that gets the height of the stack. * * @return height of the stack */ public int height() { return height_; } /** * Mutator that pushes an element onto the stack. * * @param e an Element to be pushed onto the stack */ public void push(Element e) { StackNode n = new StackNode(); n.element_ = e; n.next_ = stack_; n.previous_ = null; if (height_ != 0) stack_.previous_ = n; stack_ = n; height_ = height_ + 1; } /** * Mutator that pops the stack. * * @throws EmptyStackException when stack is empty */ public void pop() throws EmptyStackException { if (height_ == 0) { throw new EmptyStackException(this); } else { stack_ = stack_.next_; height_ = height_ - 1; } } /** * Checks if this Stack is equal to another Stack. * * @param e a Stack * @return true iff the Stacks are equal */ public boolean same(Element e) { return e != null && e instanceof Stack && height() == ((Stack)e).height() && isSameStack((Stack)e); } private boolean isSameStack(Stack s) { // Assumes this and s have StackNode n1 = this.stack_; // the same height. StackNode n2 = s.stack_; boolean b = true; int h = height_; while (b & h != 0) { b = n1.same(n2); if (b) { h = h - 1; n1 = n1.next_; n2 = n2.next_; } } return b; } /** * Returns a String description of this Stack. * * @return a String */ public String toString() { if (height_ == 0) { return "[]"; } else { return "[" + toStringAux() + "]"; } } private String toStringAux() { // Assumes stack is not empty. String x = ""; int h = 0; for (StackNode n = getBottom(); h != height_; n = n.previous_) { if (h == height_ - 1) // At top of stack. x = x + n.toString(); else x = x + n.toString() + ","; h = h + 1; } return x; } private StackNode getBottom() { // Assumes stack is not empty. StackNode n = stack_; while (n.next_ != null) { n = n.next_; } return n; } }