package examples.stack2; import examples.stack2.*; import resources.*; /** * Author: W. M. Farmer
* Revised: February 21, 2007
* Description: Tests the public methods of the StackPlus class. * * @author W. M. Farmer */ public class TestStackPlus { /** * Tests the StackPlus class. */ public static void main(String args[]) { StackPlus s = new StackPlus(); StackPlus t = new StackPlus(); StackPlus u = new StackPlus(); StackPlus v = new StackPlus(); printState(s); testPush(s, new StringElement("0")); testPush(s, new StringElement("1")); testPush(s, new StringElement("2")); testPush(s, new StringElement("3")); testPush(t, new StringElement("0")); testPush(t, new StringElement("1")); testPush(t, new StringElement("2")); testPush(t, new StringElement("3")); testPop(s); testPop(s); testPush(s, new StringElement("4")); testSetTop(s, new StringElement("5")); testPush(u,s); testPush(u,new StringElement("6")); testPush(v,s); testPush(v,t); testSameStack(s,s); testSameStack(s,t); testSameStack(s,u); testSameStack(u,u); testSameStack(u,v); testReset(s); testReset(u); testTop(s); testPop(s); } private static void printState(StackPlus s) { try { System.out.println("Stack contents: " + s.toString() + "."); System.out.println("Height = " + String.valueOf(s.height()) + "."); if (s.height() != 0) System.out.println("Top = " + + "."); else System.out.println("Top is undefined."); if (s.isEmpty()) System.out.println("Empty = true."); else System.out.println("Empty = false."); System.out.println(); } catch (EmptyStackException x) { // EmptyStackException should not occur. System.out.println(x.toString()); } } private static void testTop(StackPlus s) { System.out.println("Top of " + s.toString() + "."); try {; } catch (EmptyStackException x) { System.out.println(x.toString()); } printState(s); } private static void testPush(StackPlus s, Element e) { System.out.println("Push " + e.toString() + " onto " + s.toString() + "."); s.push(e); printState(s); } private static void testPop(StackPlus s) { System.out.println("Pop " + s.toString() + "."); try { s.pop(); } catch (EmptyStackException x) { System.out.println(x.toString()); } printState(s); } private static void testSetTop(StackPlus s, Element e) { System.out.println("Set top of " + s.toString() + " to " + e.toString() + "."); try { s.setTop(e); } catch (EmptyStackException x) { System.out.println(x.toString()); } printState(s); } private static void testReset(StackPlus s) { System.out.println("Reset " + s.toString() + "."); s.reset(); printState(s); } private static void testSameStack(StackPlus s, StackPlus t) { boolean b = s.same(t); System.out.println("Are the stacks " + s.toString() + " and " + t.toString() + " the same? " + b); System.out.println(); } }