public class Circle { private double diameter; // The diameter of the circle // Default Constructor public Circle() { diameter = 10.0; } // Constructor public Circle(double r) { diameter = r; } // Make the circle bigger "factor" cm. // The new diameter of the circle is returned. public double grow(double factor) { diameter = diameter + factor; return diameter; } // Shrink the circle by "factor" units. // The new diameter of the circle is returned. public double shrink(double factor) { diameter = diameter - factor; return diameter; } // Access the diameter of the circle // without modifying it public double getDiameter() { return diameter; } // Calculate the circumference of the circle public double calculatetCircumference() { double PI = 3.14; return diameter*PI; } // Tell us how big the cirlce is! public String toString() { return "The diameter of this circle is " + diameter + " cm."; } }