Formal Mathematics for the Masses William M. Farmer 2021 Abstract The campaign to transform traditional mathematical practice into a formal discipline appears to have been a great success. Several sophisticated proof assistants have been developed, a great deal of mathematical knowledge has been formalized, a growing number of researchers in computing and mathematics are now using proof assistants to check the theorems they prove, and a new area of computing called formal methods has been established in which formal mathematics is used in the development of hardware and software. However, the campaign has largely been a failure when viewed from a broader perspective. It has had almost no impact on mathematical practice. Far less than 1% of all mathematics practitioners have ever used a formal logic or a proof assistant in their work. We propose an alternative approach to formal mathematics that is characterized by (1) proofs are written in a traditional (nonformal) style, (2) the underlying logic is as close to mathematical practice as possible, (3) mathematics is organized in accordance with the little theories method as a theory graph, and (4) supporting software systems are easy to build and use. We have begun a research program called Formal Mathematics for the Masses to make formal mathematics more useful, accessible, and natural to a wider range of mathematics practitioners by implementing this alternative approach.