NA-MKM 2002

A North American Workshop on
Mathematical Knowledge Management

McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
June 12-13, 2002

Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) is an exciting new field in the intersection of mathematics and computer science. The need for good MKM is great: mathematical knowledge is vital to engineering and science and is applied by millions of people. The challenge of MKM is also great: mathematical knowledge is unsurpassed in its extent, richness, and interconnectedness. Current technology is not capable of fulfilling this need and meeting this challenge. New and more sophisticated theory and technology is required.

The purpose of NA-MKM 2002 is to bring together North American researchers interested in MKM. The goal will be to share ideas and to explore ways North American researchers can collaborate. Everyone interested in MKM will be welcome to attend including researchers with interests in the following areas:
Computer algebra
Computer theorem proving
Digital libraries
Formal methods
Industrial applications
Intellectual property rights
Knowledge representation
Mathematical software design
Mathematics education
Mathematics publishing
Web presentation of mathematics


The new field of MKM was launched in September 2001 with the First International Workshop on MKM at Hagenberg, Austria (MKM 2001). The Second International Workshop on MKM will be held February 16-18, 2003 in Bertinoro, Italy (MKM 2003). In December 2001 an MKM consortium of researchers was founded. The European members of the consortium have recently received funding from the EU for a large MKM exploratory project.

Workshop Format

The workshop will last two days. Each participant is requested to provide a short Web presentation of his or her research interests and work related to MKM before the workshop. During the workshop, there will be one or two sessions in which participants will give short presentations. Ample time will be provided for informal interaction.

Invited Speakers

Talk Presentations


Web Presentations


If you are interesting in attending NA-MKM 2002, fax a completed registration form to the address on the form. The registration fee is $50.00 US.

Travel and Accommodations

Important Dates

    May 14, 2002: Registration deadline
    May 24, 2002: Submission of Web presentations
    June 12-13, 2002: Workshop
