NA-MKM 2002
A North American Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management
McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

LORI LORIGO    Publications / Talks
S. Allen, M. Bickford, R. Constable, R. Eaton, C. Kreitz, L. Lorigo, FDL: A Prototype Formal Digital Library, Reference Manual; Cornell University, May 2002
S. Schmitt, L. Lorigo, C. Kreitz, A. Nogin, Jprover: Integrating Connection-based Theorem Proving into Interactive Proof Assistants; International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Sienna, Italy, 2001 (PDF)
S. Allen, R. Constable, R. Eaton, C. Kreitz, L. Lorigo, The Nuprl Logical Programming Environment; International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-17) Pittsburgh, PA, 2000 (PDF)
L. Lorigo, C. Kreitz, R. Constable, An Open Logical Programming Environment; DARPA, Program Composition of Embedded Systems (PCES), Colorado Springs, CO, 2000, slide presentation (HTML)
L. Lorigo, Precis of the Nuprl Proof Development System; INRIA, Nice, France, 1998, slide presentation (HTML)

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  Lori Lorigo, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University. May 2002.