IMPS Theory Library Summary

Copyright (c) 1990-1994 The MITRE Corporation

Authors: W. Farmer, J. Guttman, F. J. Thayer

The IMPS theory library is a collection of theories, theory interpretations, and theory constituents (e.g., definitions and theorems) which serves as a database of mathematics. It is intended to provide you with a starting point for building your own theory library. It also is a source of examples that illustrates some of the diverse ways mathematics can be formulated in IMPS . This page contains only a sampling of the sections that are contained in the IMPS initial theory library with a partial description of each section.

Abstract Calculus

The main theory of this section is normed-spaces . The section develops the basic notions of calculus (e.g., the derivative and the integral) in the context of normed spaces. For relevant files see normed spaces and metric-spaces

The Banach Contractive Fixed Point Theorem

This section has a proof of the Banach contractive mapping fixed point theorem, which states that any contractive mapping on a complete metric space has a unique fixed point. See fixed-point-theorem .

Basic Cardinality

This section introduces the basic notions of cardinality. It also proves some basic theorems about finite cardinality such as the fact that every subset of a finite set is itself finite. See various files defining this theory.

Basic Monoids

This section contains the theories monoid-theory and commutative-monoid-theory . In monoid-theory a constant monoid%prod is defined recursively as the iterated product of the primitive monoid operation. Basic properties of this constant are proved in monoid-theory and then are transported to theories with their own iterated product operators, such as h-o-real-arithmetic with the operators of sequence summation and product.

Binary Relations

Binary relations are represented in this section as certain partial functions in the same way that sets are represented as indicators. Several basic operations on binary relations are formalized as quasi-constructors. As an exercise, the transitive closure of the union of two equivalence relations is shown to be an equivalence relation.

Counting Theorems for Groups

This section contains a proof of the fundamental counting theorem for group theory. Several consequences of this theorem are proved including Lagrange's theorem.


This section develops a new approach to process algebra and CSP which departs from the usual formulations in which external behaviors are modeled as sequences of events called traces.


This section is always loaded with IMPS . It contains the theory h-o-real-arithmetic and a number of definitions, theorems, and macetes in this theory. It also adds a number of definitions and theorems from a number of ``generic theories.'' h-o-real-arithmetic is an axiomatization of the real numbers which we consider to be our working theory of the real numbers. The theory h-o-real-arithmetic is equipped with routines for simplifying arithmetic expressions and rational linear inequalities. These routines allow the system to perform a great deal of low-level reasoning without user intervention. See the various files defining the section.

Knaster Fixed Point Theorem

The main interest of this section is the statement and proof of the Knaster fixed point theorem which states that on a complete partial order with a least element and a greatest element, any monotone mapping has a fixed point. One important application of this result included in this section is a proof of the Schroeder-Bernstein theorem.

Number Theory

This section develops the rudiments of number theory. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic and the infinity of primes are proved.


This page designed and maintained by F. Javier Thayer Fábrega