MathScheme: Project Description Jacques Carette, William M. Farmer, and Russell O'Connor 2011 Abstract The mission of mechanized mathematics is to develop software systems that support the process people use to create, explore, connect, and apply mathematics. One important element of this process is a powerful synergy between the use of deduction and the use of computation. The division between axiomatic theorem proving systems and algorithmic computer algebra systems has broken this synergy. To significantly advance mechanized mathematics, this synergy needs to be captured within a single mechanized mathematics system. That is, axiomatic mathematics and algorithmic mathematics need to be integrated into a single framework. MathScheme is a long-range project being pursued at McMaster University whose short-term objective is to develop a new approach to mechanized mathematics in which formal deduction and symbolic computation are tightly integrated and whose long-term objective is to produce a new mechanized system based on this approach.