Simple Type Theory with Undefinedness, Quotation, and Evaluation William M. Farmer 2014 (revised 2016) Abstract This paper presents a version of simple type theory called Q0uqe that is based on Q0, the elegant formulation of Church's type theory created and extensively studied by Peter B. Andrews. Q0uqe directly formalizes the traditional approach to undefinedness in which undefined expressions are treated as legitimate, nondenoting expressions that can be components of meaningful statements. Q0uqe is also equipped with a facility for reasoning about the syntax of expressions based on quotation and evaluation. Quotation is used to refer to a syntactic value that represents the syntactic structure of an expression, and evaluation is used to refer to the value of the expression that a syntactic value represents. With quotation and evaluation it is possible to reason in Q0uqe about the interplay of the syntax and semantics of expressions and, as a result, to formalize in Q0uqe syntax-based mathematical algorithms. The paper gives the syntax and semantics of Q0uqe as well as a proof system for Q0uqe. The proof system is shown to be sound for all formulas and complete for formulas that do not contain evaluations. The paper also illustrates some applications of Q0uqe. Note: Q0 stands for ${\cal Q}_0$ and Q0uqe stands for ${\cal Q}^{\rm uqe}_{0}$ in TeX.