Logics with Undefinedness
How to Modify a Traditional Logic so that It Handles
Undefinedness in Accordance with Mathematical Practice
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2 August 2009
Undefined terms arise naturally in mathematics and computing. There
is, more or less, a traditional approach to dealing with undefinedness
in mathematical practice [5,7]. The benefits of the approach are (1)
undefinedness can be handled directly and (2) statements involving
definedness can be written very concisely since many definedness
conditions can be expressed implicitly. Unfortunately, this approach
to undefinedness is not supported by traditional logics and reasoning
systems such as first-order logic, simple type theory, and ZF
set theory since terms must always be defined in these systems.
Several logicians, computer scientists, and software engineers have
independently noticed that the traditional approach to undefinedness
can be formalized in a traditional logic if the logic is modified
slightly [1,2,13,15,16], yielding what we call a logic with
undefinedness. Moreover, one such logic with undefinedness, a
version of Church's type theory [3,4], is the logical basis for IMPS
[11], a successful higher-order theorem proving system first released
in 1993. Although a logic with undefinedness is clearly closer to
mathematical practice than a traditional logic, except for a few
exceptions like IMPS, the reasoning systems produced by the automated
reasoning community are based on logics that do not handle
undefinedness according to the traditional approach.
The goals of this tutorial are to:
- Describe the traditional approach to undefinedness used in
mathematical practice.
- Demonstrate the benefits that are gained by employing a logic
with undefinedness.
- Show what modifications are needed to transform a traditional
logic into a logic with undefinedness.
- Present the techniques needed to implement a logic with
Target Audience
Students and researchers who are interested in approaches to
undefinedness or the design and implementation of logics for practical
use. No special background is needed for the tutorial except a basic
understanding of first-order logic.
- The nature of undefinedness
- Where undefinedness comes from
- Approaches for dealing with undefinedness in traditional
logics [3,12,14]
- The traditional approach to undefinedness used in
mathematical practice [5,7]
- Benefits of the traditional approach
- How to create a version of first-order logic that admits
- Changes to syntax
- Changes to semantics
- Definedness concepts
- Changes to the laws of predicate logic
- Other examples of logics with undefinedness
- Church's type theory [3,7,9]
- Church's type theory with subtypes (IMPS logic) [4]
- NBG set theory with types [6,10]
- NBG set theory with types, quotation, and evaluation [8]
- How to implement a logic with undefinedness [11]
- Substitution
- Definedness checking
Suggested Reading Before the Tutorial
- W. M. Farmer, "Formalizing undefinedness arising in calculus",
in: D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch, eds., Automated Reasoning,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3097:475489,
2004. Online
- O. Müller and K. Slind, "Treating partiality in a logic
of total functions", in: The Computer Journal,
40:640652, 1997. Online
Warm up Exercise
Formalize in your favorite logic the following theorem from
For all real-valued functions f : R -> R and real numbers a : R,
lim f(x) = lim f(x) implies lim f(x) exists.
x->a- x->a+ x->a
See [17, p. 110, Problem 29] for details.
- M. Beeson, "Formalizing constructive mathematics: Why and
how?", in: F. Richman, ed., Constructive Mathematics:
Proceedings, New Mexico, 1980, LNM 873:146190, 1981. Online
- T. Burge, Truth and Some Referential Devices,
Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University 1971.
- W. M. Farmer, "A partial functions version of Church's simple
theory of types", Journal of Symbolic Logic,
55:126991, 1990.
- W. M. Farmer, "A simple type theory with partial functions and
subtypes", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,
64:211240, 1993.
- W. M. Farmer, "Reasoning about partial functions with the aid
of a computer", Erkenntnis, 43:279294, 1995.
- W. M. Farmer, "STMM: A Set Theory for Mechanized Mathematics",
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 26:269289, 2001. Online
- W. M. Farmer, "Formalizing undefinedness arising in calculus",
in D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch, eds., Automated Reasoning,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 3097:475489,
2004. Online
- W. M. Farmer, "Chiron: A multi-paradigm logic", in:
R. Matuszewski and A. Zalewska, eds, From Insight to Proof:
Festschrift in Honour of Andrzej Trybulec, Studies in
Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 10(23):119, 2007. Online
- W. M. Farmer, "Andrews' type system with undefinedness", in:
C. Benzmüller, C. Brown J. Siekmann, and R. Statman, eds.,
Reasoning in Simple Type Theory: Festschrift in Honor of Peter
B. Andrews on his 70th Birthday, Studies in Logic,
pp. 223242, College Publications,
2008. Online
- W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman, "A set theory with support for
partial functions", Partiality and Modality, special issue
of Studia Logica, 66:5978, 2000. Online
- W. M. Farmer, J. D. Guttman, and F. J. Thayer, "IMPS: An
Interactive Mathematical Proof System", Journal of Automated
Reasoning, 11:213248, 1993. Online
- C. B. Jones, "References relating to reasoning about partial
functions", Newcastle University, UK, 2007. Online
- L. G. Monk, "PDLM: A Proof Development Language for
Mathematics", Technical Report M86-37, The MITRE Corporation,
Bedford, MA, USA, 1986.
- O. Müller and K. Slind, "Treating partiality in a logic of
total functions", The Computer Journal, 40:640652,
1997. Online
- D. L. Parnas, "Predicate logic for software engineering",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 19:
856861, 1993. Online
- R. Schock, Logics without Existence Assumptions,
Almqvist & Wiksells, 1968
- M. Spivak, Calculus, Third Edition, Publish or Perish,
William M. Farmer is a Professor in the Department of Computing and
Software at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He
received a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame
(Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) in 1978. He attended graduate school at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin, USA), where
he received an M.A. in mathematics in 1980, an M.S. in computer
sciences in 1983, and a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1984. Before joining
McMaster in 1999, he conducted research in various areas of computer
science for twelve years at The MITRE Corporation (Bedford,
Massachusetts, USA). Dr. Farmer also taught computer programming and
networking courses for two years at St. Cloud State University
(St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA).
Dr. Farmer's primary research interests are applied logic, computer
support for mathematical reasoning, mathematical knowledge management,
and formal methods in software development. In partnership with
Dr. Joshua Guttman and Dr. Javier Thayer at MITRE in the early 1990s,
he designed and implemented the IMPS Interactive Mathematical Proof
System. In 2001, he started the MathScheme project whose goal is to
develop a new approach to mechanized mathematics that integrates and
generalizes computer theorem proving and computer algebra.